sábado, 13 de outubro de 2012

Breaking Dawn Part 2 - Divulgada capa + Lista de musicas da Trilha Sonora Instrumental de 'Amanhecer - Parte 2':

Acaba de ser divulgada a lista das musicas instrumentais de 'Amanhecer- Parte 2'. Os nomes de cada musica, nos levam a enter o que se passa em cada cena, confira: 

1. Twilight Overture 3:02
2. A World Bright and Buzzing 1:12
3. The Lamb Hunts The Lion 1:59
4. Meet Renesmee 2:43
5. Here Goes Nothing 0:59
6. Sparkles At Last 1:04
7. Catching Snowflakes 1:41
8. The Immortal Children 2:01
9. Merchant of Venice 0:44
10. Into The White 1:04
11. Renesmee’s Lullaby / Something Terrible 3:03
12. A Way With The World 1:38
13. The Amazon Arrives 1:00
14. A Yankee Vampire 1:07
15. Cloud Forest 1:23
16. Witnesses 1:37
17. We Will Fight 0:57
18. Shield Training 2:09
19. At Bedtime A Child Asks About Death 1:14
20. Decoding Alice 1:45
21. The Driving Question 1:09
22. Present Time 2:11
23. This Extraordinary Life 2:11
24. Gathering In Snow 2:45
25. She Is Not Immortal 0:53
26. Reading Edward 0:55
27. Magnifica 1:10
28. Irina Loses Her Head 2:52
29. Aro’s Oration 2:48
30. A Kick In The Head 0:58
31. Exacueret Nostri Dentes in Filia 1:48
32. Chasing Renesmee 1:20
33. A Crack In The Earth 2:24
34. Aro’s End 1:52
35. That’s Your Future 0:52
36. Such A Prize 3:25

Bom, agora só nos resta esperar loucamente pelo dia 15 de Novembro!

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